Ping Lacson: Ayaw pa rin mag-deklara. Bakit? Takot ma-Binay? Katrina Domingo screeches on ABS-CBN News: “Lacson: It’s either the presidency in 2022 or retirement from politics”! Domingo then writes “The former police chief-turned-lawmaker said he is in the process of ‘studying’ if he would run for president next year, with Senate President Vicente Sotto III as his likely running mate.”
Studying what exactly? Anyone’s guess is as good as mine as to what specifically factors into Lacson’s decision-making process. The environment today is a lot different when he ran in 2004. This time around, the public can easily be reminded of his “sins.” Of particular interest is his becoming a fugitive after an arrest warrant was issued against him for the Dacer-Corbito murder case.
Former President Joseph “Erap” Estrada was offered exile abroad but chose to face his accusers in court. He manned up. He was processed together with son Jinggoy at Camp Crame. Lacson didn’t make a move after he was quartered by then PNP Director General Hermogenes Ebdane, Jr. and then PNP Intelligence Group chief Rodolfo “Boogie” Mendoza at the height of EDSA 2. He publicly withdrew support from Erap who was responsible for making him popular and taking him out of the freezer after his stint with the MISG under Col. Rolando Abadilla.
There is also his famous run-in with senior mistah Dick Alqueza. His fingerprints were all over the Atimonan shootout which was very similar to what happened to the Kuratong Baleleng at Commonwealth Avenue. Then there is the issue of cement imports through his son Pampi’s company. There is even a photo of Pampi posing with Davao Councilor Nelson “Tata” Sala, who is close to now Sen. Bato De La Rosa. Bato was an operative in Davao for the defunct PAOCTF which Lacson headed during the Estrada administration.
Just the other day, it sounded very much like he was being endorsed by Manila Mayor Isko Moreno. They share a political patron in Ricky Razon. His former top lieutenant, Michael Ray Aquino, is Chief Security Officer of the Razon Group. Aquino was deported back to the country after serving time in federal prison on espionage charges. There is also the still unsolved murder of his other close aide before John Campos, who was in a relationship with Rosebud Ong. He is now neighbors with former President Fidel Ramos in Ayala Alabang. Lacson will have a lot of questions to answer if he decides to run for President again.

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