Perhaps this is really how “human rights” lawyers work. They make victims of people who never saw themselves as victims to begin with. These parasitical members of the legal profession make people believe they are “victims” all for the purpose of turning them into “clients” who fit their nebulous “human rights” narrative.
Chel Diokno fits the bill perfectly. He presumed to represent the “victimhood” of the Filipino fishermen whose boat was allegedly rammed by a Chinese vessel in Reed Bank in mid June. The trouble is he made an equally nebulous case that was crushed under the intense grilling of the Philippines’ Supreme Court justices. Asked in a variety of words by these justices, What is it exactly you are asking of the Court? all Diokno’s legal team could respond with was a shrug and a scratch in the head.

Even more laughable, the fishermen themselves eventually disavowed themselves of Diokno’s quaint legal stunt.
All Diokno has left is a face to save. But it seems he is too late to save even that.
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