Yellowtards are lazy. They prefer to shout down a duly-elected president from office rather than implement their political agenda within the framework of the law. If their goal is to return to power, there are democratic avenues for doing this. Like elections, for example. If their goal is to seize power in between elections, there are also ways to do that. Like impeachment, for example.
The thing is, getting stuff done via these processes requires diligent, coherent, and consistent planning and work. It seems, however, that the Yellowtards are not up to that task. They prefer, instead, to take shortcuts. Like EDSA “revolutions”, for example.
In short, the Yellowtards run a lazy and unintelligent opposition — one that relies on appeals to emotion rather than a deep engagement of Filipinos’ intelligence. They are dumbing down the rhetoric rather than uplifting it and keeping governance chatotic and relationship-based rather than structured, transparent, consistent, and precise.
This is the same sort of character that turned jeepneys from what was once a practical stopgap solution into a permanently dysfunctional one. By keeping the political discourse trapped in a fear of a now-irrelevant past, the Yellowtards have forced Filipinos to define themselves on the basis of this obsolete past and utterly unable to evolve to face what could be a promising future.
This is not the Opposition Filipinos deserve. More importantly, the Yellowtards are not the leaders the Opposition deserve. Continuing to harp and nag about what has eventually become a mere manufactured strawman issue does not serve Filipinos well. Unfortunately, this is the sort of dishonest Opposition they are stuck with and will have to make a hard decision about. Via proper due process, of course.
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